Remove NA
About Creating a LGBTIQ* Knowledge Graph
1 Intro
I will be allowed to spend a larger part of 2022 building a Knowledge Graph on queer history. This page will serve as the technical documentation.
I also publish blog posts on topic related to this projects
1.1 Blog posts in English and German
- Remove NA: Warum ich einen LGBTIQ*-Knowledge Graph bauen werde
- RDF, RML, YARRRML: A basic tutorial to create Linked Data from a relational database table
- Stock Taking: How big is the queer Wikidata
- Vier Wochen Prototype Fund: Was bisher geschah
- Der zweite Monat Remove NA: ein Update
- Vom Rechner in die Welt: Notizen zum ersten großen Import in Factgrid
1.2 Status
I use Factgrid as my main data publishing hub.
As of 2022-05-30, there are 7170 items related to Remove NA
which have 34854 relations (without basic meta data statements).
You can see them here as a table: